Does your business really need a website? (Can you succeed without one?)

Does your business really need a website?

Does your business have a website? If not, why not? 

Is it because it doesn’t seem critical to how your business operates? Does it seem like too much hassle? Maybe you think you’re doing just fine as is – why change what seems to be working for you? 

Well, what if you could be doing better? 

Much better. 

And what if not having a website is harming your business’s growth? 

In this article we’ll explore how a website can help your business thrive, and why not having one can be detrimental to the success of your business.

Why a business website is essential in 2024

If you only take one thing away from this article it should be this: 

A survey in 2020 by BrightLocal found that 93% of US consumers searched online for a local business.

This consumer behaviour is undoubtedly similar in other western markets. 

Even if your business doesn’t provide a digital service, a strong online presence is still crucial for success. 

Consumers who don’t find you in online search don’t know you exist. 

Do you really want to be missing out on nine out of ten potential customers? 

That’s not all. Let’s break down seven key benefits of having a website.

Seven reasons your business absolutely needs a professional website

1. To showcase your business to the world 

A close-up of a smartly-dressed, well-presented businessman and a client shaking hands.
A professional website can impress and convert potential customers.

First impressions count. 

Think how important they are when meeting someone for the first time. 

Your business is no different. You want to put your strongest foot forward and set a standard for how you are perceived by the customer. 

A professional website provides a way for you to do this by showcasing your business in the best possible light, directly to your customers, in a manner that you fully control. This means that you can give the best first impression – something which is vitally important for converting leads into loyal customers. 

A website allows you to present your products or services exactly how you want. You can: 

  • Set the tone of your business and consequently how customers perceive you.
  • Present only the information you want to present about your offerings.
  • Showcase your portfolio, increasing legitimacy.
  • Highlight customer testimonials.
  • Increase brand awareness.

Without a website, you risk your customers getting their first impressions of you from someone else. A competitor is unlikely to paint you in the best light! 

2. To speak directly to your customers

A businessman with a website instead of a head is speaking directly to a happy customer.
Apologies for this grotesque visage but you get the idea.

A website is a perfect way to communicate to your customers directly. It can be the first port-of-call customers go to for all their queries and can even reduce your customer support costs

91% of customers say they would use an online knowledgebase if it were available and tailored to their needs, according to a 2012 study conducted by Coleman Parkes.

A FAQ section can answer and resolve any questions or concerns that potential customers may have, while simultaneously directing them towards making a purchase. Moreover, it can be added to and updated over time, making it a valuable, longstanding resource and a key asset in gaining customer trust and sales

A website can allow you to respond to support requests and feedback more quickly and efficiently. Smartly designed forms can categorise, and forward customers queries directly to the relevant staff members. 

A live chat widget can be used to start a conversation with potential customers when they land on your website. 

It’s even possible to implement a ticketing support system, allowing issues to be assigned, tracked, monitored and resolved with ease and helping you to fulfil any customer service SLAs

All the above increases trust in your business, boosts customer satisfaction and ultimately results in more leads becoming customers

3. To expand your businesses’ reach with search engine optimisation

A website on display on a huge digital billboard in New York City.
Target a global audience and reach new markets.

One of the most immediate ways of expanding the reach of your business is… you guessed it, by having a website. A website is an incredibly efficient way of reaching new, diverse markets. With the power of search engine optimisation (SEO), website content can be tailored to target specific audience profiles based on age, gender, location, interests, and more. You can get as granular as you want. And if you’re a global business you can target audiences across the world. There really is no limit. 

With the right page and the right content, you can draw in new leads from places you could never have expected

4. To build trust and credibility

A cabinet of awards and trophies for excellent website design.
Don’t let your achievements and accomplishments gather dust. A website is the perfect place to highlight your successes to potential customers.

When a potential customer searches for your business online and finds a barely maintained Facebook page and no official looking web presence, what do you think their reaction will be? There’s no getting around the fact that if you want to be seen as a reputable, established, and credible business, you need a proper website. 

With a website you have your own platform on which to showcase your businesses’ achievements. Past work and awards can be proudly displayed, impressing visitors. Testimonials and customer reviews can be presented, engendering the trust of customers

A professional business website tells potential customers that you are a serious player in your industry and serious about what you do. It allows you to position your business as an authority and strengthens your identity and reputation

5. To learn from your customers to improve and grow your business

A cat wearing a suit and tie and a microphone headset, sitting at a computer and studying analytics data.
If this cat can do it, so can you.

Learning from your customers is a vital part of growing your business, and a website provides the perfect way to gather this data. Surveys and polls can capture valuable insights while behind the scenes, analytics system like Google Analytics and Microsoft Clarity can provide an overview of user behaviours. 

With the right website analytics and reporting software, you can gain valuable in-depth knowledge of customer behaviours, identifying avenues for improvement and potential growth opportunities. Find out not just what customers are doing, but why they are doing it. Learn what drives customer decisions and how you can better tailor your business to the needs of your customers. 

Additionally, user feedback and data can directly inform the marketing decisions you make and the campaigns that you run. Get a better return on investment for your advertising spending and convert more leads into customers

A website lets you run your business smarter

6. To create and maintain a loyal customer base

A smartly-dressed business owner gifting a cash reward to a happy customer in an urban setting.
Rewarding your customers is one way of helping to ensure repeat business.

Gaining new customers is difficult. 

Difficult and costly. 

According to Harvard Business Review: “acquiring a new customer is anywhere from five to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one”.

So how do you keep your customers coming back? Sure, you might offer an excellent service or product but if you’re working in a crowded market with fierce competition, that might not be enough. 

There are several ways a website can help you can create and maintain a loyal customer base:  

  • Incentives such as rewards, loyalty points systems and discounts can be offered to encourage repeat custom.
  • Membership plans can keep customers engaged and interested.
  • A regular newsletter can give customers an inside look at your business and make them feel part of your story. Done well, this can build your relationship with your customers and keep them engaged and satisfied with your brand.
  • Referral programmes can reward your customers for doing the hard work of finding you new customers. Doubly efficient! 

Client retention is a priority for any successful business and having a website increases your opportunities for success. 

7. To save time and money

Several stacks of coins in a row, each stack higher than the one before it. An hourglass sand timer sits next to the coins.
A smartly-designed website integrated with the right systems can lead to efficiencies and savings.

A great website provides opportunities to streamline your business operations

Manual processes can be optimised, automated and integrated into your business. 

For example: 

  • If you have a physical stock inventory, it could be tracked and managed by your website’s e-commerce system.
  • If you receive customer enquiries, they could be automatically categorised when submitted via your website. Certain enquiries could trigger a targeted sales response such as an exclusive offer, and a relevant staff member could be automatically assigned to the customer.
  • Essential information and resources could be moved online for direct access. Customer support could be made more efficient by including a FAQ section and support ticketing system on your website, reducing the need for repetitive customer emails and phone calls and freeing up time and resources for more important aspects of your business. 

The drawbacks of not having a website

A distraught business owner standing on a high street outside his shuttered business.
This man’s biggest regret in life was not having a professional website for his business.

Many business owners find the idea of creating and managing a new website daunting, especially if they’ve had poor experiences with web developers. However, not having a website can significantly hinder your business’s success in a number of ways.

  • It can limit your reach: now more than ever before, people turn to the internet for information on products and services. If your website doesn’t appear in someone’s search then you’re missing out on potential custom.
  • It can lead to missed sales opportunities: people expect to be able to buy online – even from traditional brick-and-mortar stores. If you don’t have an online storefront then customers will buy from businesses that do.
  • It can limit your customer support: if customers can’t easily find answers to their questions or struggle to find out how to contact you then they will be left frustrated. Frustrated customers turn elsewhere.
  • It can impact your credibility: the lack of a website can be seen as a sign that your business lacks credibility or legitimacy and that your business isn’t fully established.
  • It can affect your ability to market online: for instance, there’s not much point in taking advantage of pay-per-click online advertising if you have no website for your ads to lead to. Not having a website severely affects your ability to take advantage of modern online marketing strategies.

Ultimately, not having a website costs you business. 

Why make it easy for the competition? Even a basic professional website can put you ahead

By not having a website you are doing your business, and your customers, a huge disservice. 

It doesn’t even have to cost the world. Our website design packages start at only £199. 

Okay, I want a website but it’s so complicated! Where do I even begin?!

A casually-dressed woman looking confused and surrounded by abstract representations of websites.
It doesn’t have to be this confusing.

We get it. There are so many online website platforms these days, how do you decide on the right one? 

Do you build it yourself or find someone to do it for you? 

It can be a headache trying to navigate the wealth of guides and contradictory advice online. 

If you feel overwhelmed by the mass of choices, the endless service plans, and the never-ending technical jargon, then we can help. 

We deal in simplicity

Get in touch for a free website consultation and we can figure out, with you, exactly what you need. 

Easy. Straightforward. Done. 

In Summary

A beautiful sunset over a river and verdant, green fields.
A website opens up opportunities for your business to thrive in the digital landscape.

It should be clear by now that not only can a website be a real boon for your business, it’s also absolutely crucial for success when you’re competing in the digital space. 

Let’s recap the benefits of having a website: 

  • A website can be a showcase for your successes and create an excellent first impression for potential customers.
  • It can allow you to speak directly with your customers, improving customer satisfaction and increasing customer engagement by making your customers feel heard.
  • Smartly tailored website content and SEO can open new, untapped markets for your business and widen your reach, making it easier for potential customers to find you.
  • Data gleamed from customer behaviours can be an invaluable resource for informing marketing and business decisions.
  • A website can provide a powerful way to establish your authority and credibility in your industry and increase brand awareness.
  • It can help you nurture and grow a loyal customer base.
  • Ultimately, a website can both save your business money and help it grow

If you don’t have a website then you’re missing out on all these benefits and setting yourself an extra (and unnecessary) challenge. Getting a great website is a top priority for any serious business.

If you do already have a website, is it delivering the benefits we’ve listed? Not all websites are created equal. The best-performing business websites are those tailored specifically to the needs of the business. Generic, cookie-cutter websites don’t cut it.

Hopefully we’ve opened your eyes to the opportunities that a website can provide and the hurdles you can face by not having one. 

So if you’re serious about advancing your business with a website but don’t know how to start, get in touch. We can provide a free consultation and advise you on how best to proceed. 

We’re here to help you succeed. 

This article was first published on

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